Location of Practice: Grass Valley, CA and worldwide via phone/internet.

ADHP Certification: Hypnotherapy; Depth Hypnosis Practitioner

Specialization: Highly sensitive folks, those exploring meaning and purpose or navigating change, loss, complex trauma or other life-disruption, including the impacts of capitalism, cisheteropatriarchy, settler colonialism, white supremacy, and climate breakdown

Website: fertilevoyage.com

Stormy King is a certified Hypnotherapist and Depth Hypnosis Practitioner supporting folks who, by choice or circumstance, find themselves navigating the complex and mysterious waters of personal transformation. Stormy knows the world greatly requires each person’s consciousness and presence, and is therefore deeply committed to engaging with clients as they work to build a sacred kind of self-tending practice that can allow them to stand more directly in the center of their lives and act in alignment with their needs, values, and desires. From this place of grounded connection, they can direct their lives more intentionally into an unknown future, honoring an adaptable clarity of purpose about who they are and how they mean to devote their precious energies to the collective flowering of these considerably challenging times.

In collaboration with the boundless model of Depth Hypnosis, Stormy’s practice also utilizes Astrological Counseling as a portal for self-inquiry and development. Her perspective is informed and fortified by years of personal devotional practice and continuing education in Vedic philosophy and scripture, astrology, and her love for art, music, dance, nature, and poetic language.

Stormy King
Grass Valley
Grass Valley California United States
Phone: (510) 306-2092
Email: stormykingdh@gmail.com
Url: http://fertilevoyage.com/