Location of Practice: Santa Barbara & Montecito, California, and worldwide via phone and internet.

ADHP Certification: Hypnotherapy, Depth Hypnosis, Applied Energy Medicine, B.A. Degree in Psychology, Lifetime member of PsiChi, The International Honor Society in Psychology

Specialization: Personal Empowerment and Self Discovery, Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, Breaking repetitive and maladaptive patterns, Dream analysis, Inner Work, Internal and External Conflict Resolution, Shadow Work. Individuals, Couples, Children and Teens.

Website: thevillagealchemist.net

Jamie is a dedicated and compassionate Depth Hypnosis Practitioner. She brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to her practice. Jamie supports her clients in navigating a wide range of challenges, including trauma, anxiety, and depression. She specializes in helping people break through all types of personal and professional blocks.

By incorporating applied shamanic practices, dream work, hypnotherapy, and active imagination techniques into her sessions, Jamie offers clients powerful tools to access their inner wisdom and healing potential. This multifaceted approach, combined with her deep commitment to her clients’ well-being, guides individuals towards greater self-awareness and profound personal transformation, fostering the development of deep levels of authentic self-esteem and inner peace.

Jamie Tate
Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara California United States
Phone: (805) 364-2124
Email: jamie@thevillagealchemist.net
Url: http://www.thevillagealchemist.net