Location of Practice: San Francisco, CA, and worldwide via phone/internet
ADHP Certification: Hypnotherapy, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner
Specialization: Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Childhood Trauma, Spiritual Emergence, Spiritual Counseling, Creative Blocks, Relationships, Plant Medicine Preparation and Integration Counseling
Victoria is committed to supporting her clients on their healing path. The compassionate, safe container created in her sessions allows clients to dive inward, accessing their own insight to guide growth and healing. She utilizes a combination of Depth hypnosis, energy medicine, applied shamanic counseling and meditation. Victoria continues to pursue studies in energy healing and spiritual development.
Victoria is also a clinical pharmacist with over 25 years of experience in the healthcare field. She provides medication interaction consultations for those interested in working with plant medicines.
She is available for in-person sessions in San Francisco or virtually from anywhere.
San Francisco CA United States
Email: vdudas@gmail.com