Location of Practice: Boulder, CO, and worldwide via phone
ADHP Certification: Hypnotherapy, Depth Hypnosis Practitioner
Specialization: Working with parents, women, individuals with trauma, mental health diagnoses and individuals experiencing chronic or acute illness. Tiphaine also enjoys working with children and teenagers.
Website: wholewheelwellness.com
Tiphaine Ravenel Bonetti, RN, ND began her inquiry into spirituality over 30 years ago. With an undergraduate degree in Comparative Religion and a Doctorate degree in Nursing (N.D.), she has worked in several fields of health, healing and psychology throughout her career. In 2015, Tiphaine was introduced to the work of Isa Gucciardi, Ph.D. and the Foundation of the Sacred Stream. The work transformed her sense of self and helped to unfold a deep inner peace. Inspired by her own evolution, Tiphaine decided to bring this work to others. She uses both her professional and personal studies in Buddhist philosophy, nursing, and psychology to inform her work as a Depth Hypnosis Practitioner. Working intentionally, with great care and skillful compassion, Tiphaine hopes to support individuals in discovering and embodying a sense of self that is joyful and whole.
Boulder CO 80304
United States